
Careerpilot - plan your study and work webpage

is a one-stop, free careers website for 14-19 year olds in the South of England, providing information on all the choices and routes young people can take.

Find information about pathways, jobs, courses, money, and lots more. Students can start with activities for their age group, with quizzes or do the Skills Map.

Students can register and then use the Career Tools to save information and build their report.

Pre-16 students can use the site to:

  • explore their post 16 choices,
  • do the Pre 16 Skills Map
  • see where subjects they love will lead.
  • and lots more...
Careerpilot Parent Zone webpage

Careerpilot also includes a Parent Zone where parents and carers can get answers to career related question like: 'Can my child do an apprenticeship after A levels?, What is a Further Education College and what do they offer?